Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Mango Street vs. Romeo and Juliet

Directions: Discuss the similarities and differences between in Juliet and the women in the House on Mango Street? Consider how their lives are dictated and what options each woman has. This should be a well developed paragraph (with 2 similarities and 2 differences)which has specific references from the text.
Due date- 3 p.m. Monday 3/7/2011
*If you do not have a blog, you may email me the assignment*

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

On taking a stand...

Consider the history of lynching and the story of Emmett Till to respond to the following:

1- What does it mean to take a stand?
2- What people/organizations/groups today take a stand for something? (Be specific)
3-In your opinion, does Tom Robinson take a stand for himself?
Does he have any other alternatives? What could be the outcome if he hadn’t run?

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Entries for Incidents...

Assignment 1: Keeping a running dialogue with the text
As you read Linda Brent’s experience as a slave, you will be required to record elements of the text that strike/interest you. This should include: specific events, Jacobs’s tone, laws, procedures, daily life, etc. Each journal entry should be treated with the seriousness of any other formal assignment. When you make references to the text please include page numbers. Page numbers are a requirement.
Length: about half a page (min. 175 words)
Format: Clear and legible for grading with two specific references to the text per entry. You may record your entries on your blog.
Number of entries: Four entries in total

Although these are journal entries, everyone will have the chance to share. Each of you will sign up for a day to present your entries, and this presentation will be a part of your overall journal grade. If you are absent the day of your presentation, you will be expected to present the following class.
*** If you’re having trouble figuring out where to start or what to write about, you may want to use the list below to guide your reading and recording in the beginning.***

• Slavery’s effect on family life
• Physical/mental/emotional/sexual abuse
• The power of ownership…
• Asking characters questions
• The rules/laws that were in place at the time

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Your first blog entry

Blog entry #1- School – Reality vs. Ideal
Directions: 1-Title your blog (You can either title it: Blog #1, Reality vs. Ideal or something creative!). 2-Respond to the topic below. 3- Comment on at least two classmates’ blogs.
For your first blog entry you must:
Discuss education as a system.
Include specific details about what already exists.
Consider/Explain: The reality of what school is like today. Discuss things that work or don’t work well, the role of administrators, parents, teachers, and students, testing, reading, homework, parent involvement, writing, discipline, socializing.
The second part of your entry should describe the ideal school.
Consider/ Explain: What should school be. If it were up to you to create your own school, what would the teachers, students, building, curriculum look like? Would you change the hours, the class sizes, disciplinary factors, etc.
Remember-This is a public space and others will view your entries. Make sure you check spelling and proof read your work.
Word count- at least 150-200wrds.